Our Services

Offshore Marine Construction

Xenos is driven to provide leading edge contracting services in offshore marine construction projects large and small.

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Offshore Heavy Lifting

Xenos is driven to provide leading edge contracting services in offshore heavy lifting projects large and small.

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Marine Salvage

Xenos is driven to provide leading edge contracting services in large marine salvage projects large and small.

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Offshore Heavy Lifting Contractor
As a leading offshore and subsea marine hey lift contractor we provide an execution method that centers on local content as much as possible in order to streamline efficiency, promote and build the local economy and meet the demands of any project.
Oil & Gas Structure Decomissioning
Our offshore decommissioning capabilities center on extensive in house management and execution experience coupled the provision of project specific equipment and methods in order to successfully complete any scope while promoting long-lasting relationships with our clients.
Oil & Gas Structure Installation
Our offshore structure installation capabilities center on extensive in house management and execution experience coupled the provision of project specific equipment and methods in order to successfully complete any scope while promoting long-lasting relationships with our clients.
Marine Salvage & Heavy Lifting
Our marine salvage and heavy lifting capabilities are unmatched utilizing industry leading methods and equipment to ensure every project is completed safely and efficiently.